Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Spotify web player keyboard shortcuts

It seems that the keyboard shortcuts for the Spotify web player are different based on OS and browser!!! And it looks like they tend to change a bit over time!! Thank you Spotify.

These work on OSX with Chrome (I am on a danish keyboard, not sure if this have anything to say)

Space - Play/Pause
Shift+Right arrow - Next track
Shift+Left arrow - Previous track
Shift+Ctrl+Right arrow - Forward in track approx. 15 sec
Shift+Ctrl+Right arrow - Backwards in track approx. 15 sec
Ctrl+Alt+s - Open search
Ctrl+Alt+Up arrow - Increase volume (not above system volume)
Ctrl+Alt+Down arrow - Decrease volume

Any I missed??


You need to have focus i the actual player for the shortcuts to work. So you need to click in the right side player for the keyboard shortcuts to work.